Just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in this trip;
- Our understanding parents who have (begrudgingly) let us take a second gap year each to expand our horizons.
- Our beautiful friends who gave us amazing presents, we will never forget you. Rock on the mighty Fours!
- The hardcore troop who made it to the airport, our last beer at Spoons was surreal.
- James and Leanne for their great knowledge... Fan-TAAAA
- Thank you to all involved in our fundraiser, we were astounded by the generosity of everyone. We raised over 800 pounds that day and had enough toys, books and clothes etc to fill two extra 23kg bags which Qantas took unquestioningly and upgraded us in the process! So big thanks to them - best flight EVER!
(In Premium economy Sophie was like a child in a sweet store, or me all over a plate of potatoes - it was embarrassing!)
With us we took;
- 32 tennis balls
- 17 pairs of socks
- 15 bottles of bubbles
- 72 pencils
- enough cash to buy 27 bikes, so 27 families lives will be changed because now they have transportation and a way to set up a business.
- Finally we took enough toothbrushes and toothpastes that when the children of Ho Chi Minh smile the whole world will see it.
As for Bangkok we are looking forward to exploring the city for the 4 days we are here, we move onto Ho Chi Minh on Monday 5th to start work in the Christina Noble Social and Medical Centre.
Thanks again everyone, and another update coming soon, Sophie & Cara...over and out! x x